Michelle's Journey

In January 2021, Michelle had a typical mammogram. However, this one was different. The lab technicians requested a biopsy, as they had found a mass in her left breast. After testing and research, she was told she had stage 1 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma breast cancer in her left breast and it had spread to her lymph nodes.

Michelle had a long journey ahead of her which included 16 rounds of chemotherapy, a bi-lateral mastectomy, 25 rounds of radiation, reconstructive breast surgery, and a preventative hysterectomy.

After 18 months, Michelle completed her cancer treatments and entered remission. During her treatment, many friends and family wanted to show their love, but didn’t know how. She now knows firsthand the power behind an inspiring and comforting gift. To her friends and family, she became a source for gift ideas for cancer patients.

Michelle realized that there weren’t many resources to help those who want to support their loved ones during this difficult time. She began curating gifts that are specific to the needs of cancer patients throughout treatment. Through her company, Squash Cancer, Michelle helps bring joy to cancer patients through inspiring and comforting gifts.

Share Your Story

Going through cancer treatment is a personal journey, but it doesn't have to be done alone. Together, we can support eachother through sharing our personal stories.

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